Thomas Balmès, “Damages”
May 10, 2010
In 2005, renowned French director and filmmaker Thomas Balmès, known for his current documentary film, “Babies”, created a film about the inner workings of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder.
The film, called “Damages”, was shot at the firm’s Bridgeport, Conn. offices. It follows a number of Koskoff attorneys navigating wrongful death suits at the time: cases in which our clients had died as a result of the negligence of doctors, hospitals, automobile or truck drivers, or other negligent parties. The film depicts the long and meticulous processes in which we work with family members, research the details of each case, and ultimately seek justice within the Connecticut court system on behalf of the survivors of wrongful death victims. It also shows how we assess the value of the monetary compensation sought for loss of financial support, consortium and the enjoyment of life itself. The role of the attorneys at Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder — to help recover compensation for the tragic losses borne by our clients — is highlighted in the movie.