Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a condition that results from the deprivation of oxygen. It is most commonly sustained before, during or just after the birth of a newborn. Infants are extremely susceptible to factors that may result in the lack of oxygen, such as the umbilical cord being wrapped around his or her neck. Any situation that causes a child to be deprived of oxygen can lead to cerebral palsy. Many cases involve medical malpractice, where a doctor’s negligence contributed to the condition.
If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, or you suspect that cerebral palsy may have resulted from medical malpractice, turn to our lawyers at Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder PC. Our trusted firm has years of experience handling a wide range of personal injury and medical malpractice cases, including those involving cerebral palsy. We take the time to listen to our clients and address their individual needs and concerns. Contact us today to learn more about how a Connecticut birth injury lawyer at our firm can help with your cerebral palsy case.
Cerebral Palsy Symptoms
The number and severity of cerebral palsy symptoms can depend on the extent of the brain damage that occurred due to oxygen deprivation before, during or after birth. Some of the common mild, moderate and severe symptoms can include:
- Abnormal muscle tone: Muscles tend to be either too floppy or too rigid, making independent and even passive movement difficult.
- Abnormal muscle movement: Tics and twitches can occur, as well as seemingly random movement of other muscles.
- Lack of muscle coordination: Motor skills can be affected and delayed, leading to difficulties with or the inability to walk, draw, write, button a shirt or complete other tasks that require dexterity or muscle control, no matter how simple or complex.
- Learning disabilities: Children with CP may have serious learning disabilities that require extra time and attention from teachers, tutors and parents.
- Speech problems: Language delay may occur in children with cerebral palsy, as well as difficulties speaking once language is acquired. Speech therapy is sometimes helpful for these children.
- Seizures: In severe cases of cerebral palsy, children may experience intermittent or frequent seizures. This can exacerbate any other symptoms they may be having and require extensive medical attention.
- Vision or hearing problems: Glasses and/or hearing aids may need to be worn by a child with cerebral palsy in order to aid in his or her hearing or sight. Total vision loss and/or hearing loss is also present in some with severe CP.
- Mental retardation: Many serious cases of cerebral palsy result in the mental retardation of a child, leading to the need for lifelong care and many accommodations in order to make the child’s life as easy and successful as possible.
Developmental Delays
In many cases, developmental delays in an infant or toddler can be a family’s first clue that cerebral palsy may have occurred as the result of a birth injury, including a lack of oxygen during birth. Children may fail to meet standardized milestones for holding their head up, otherwise controlling the head, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, talking and other pediatrician-established criteria for development.
Contact Our Connecticut Cerebral Palsy Attorneys Today
Cerebral palsy can be a devastating diagnosis, especially if it stemmed from medical malpractice and the injury of a newborn at birth. To explore your options for holding the negligent party responsible, please contact a lawyer at our law firm. The initial consultation is free of cost and obligation. Our personal injury medical malpractice lawyers represent clients throughout the state.